Weavers Way Co-op Month Workshop: Who Owns the Co-op? Prevailing Myth and Promising Reality
Thinking through who actually owns the Co-op is no simple matter, as the answer to this significant question is obscured by a longstanding mythology. Join us for a myth-busting evening that not only sets the record straight but opens up new possibilities for the co-operative enterprise as well as for economic democracy across the world.
This workshop will be led by Andrew Lamas, professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Arts and Sciences.
Join us for refreshments at 6:30 p.m.; the program will begin at 7. FREE. REGISTER HERE.
This workshop is part of a series of programs in honor of Co-op Month, celebrated annually in October across the U.S. for more than half a century. During Co-op Month, cooperative businesses reflect on their shared principles and work to spread the good word about cooperative enterprise, working to educate others about the value of belonging to a cooperative.
Weavers Way Mercantile
Weavers Way Mercantile, 542 Carpenter Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19119