Weavers Way Poetry Cafe

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

As food and poetry share a mutual ability to nourish mind, body and soul, participants in this workshop will read and discuss poetry that engages with food.

“Scratch a poet, find a gourmand,” one writer said! Food inspires poets, and poets inspire eating! A good poem is as sensual as a ripe plum! Remember William Carlos William’s poem “This is Just to Say,” about “the plums that were in the icebox?”

Bring a poem about food to share! Or, simply come and listen to poetry infused with language that entices and delights the senses. We will meet in The Café of the Weavers Way Ambler store — feel free to pick up lunch to eat while we meet!

FREE. Register HERE.

This program will be led by Weavers Way Member, Poet, and Educator, Sara Wenger.

Weavers Way workshops include presentations, hands-on classes, book studies, film screenings and discussions. Most are free and open to the public. Weavers Way members who lead workshops get three hours of work credit — what a great way to earn, or maintain, your Working Member status for 5% off all your purchases! Interested in leading a workshop? To propose one, contact Program Coordinator Stephanie Bruneau at sbruneau@weaversway.coop.

Organizer Name: 
The Weavers Way Membership Dept.
Organizer Phone: 
215-843-2350, ext. 118
Organizer Email: 

Weavers Way Ambler

Location Address: 

Weavers Way Co-op, 217 E Butler Ave, Ambler, PA 19002