Weavers Way Sustainability Workshop: Want Pollinators? Plant Trees!
Many people have probably seen lists of the best plants for pollinators, best plants for bees, and best plants for butterflies. For many people, many native flowers come to mind. But did you know that trees are just as critical for pollinators and actually often support an even greater diversity of butterflies and moths than herbaceous plants?
Trees and shrubs are an important source of honeybee forage. In city and suburban locations around Philadelphia, tree planting helps to boost what’s available for the bees, over and above what else might bloom in yards and gardens.
In this workshop, Kirk Wattles, a beekeeper for seven years and a member of the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild, will introduce you to the what, when and why of planting trees for bees, and will discuss the regional campaign to "Plant One Million" new trees. A great workshop for backyard gardeners, beekeepers, budding botanists and pollinator enthusiasts alike.
Weavers Way Mercantile
Weavers Way Mercantile, 542 Carpenter Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19119