Medicare: Getting the Best Deal and Saving Money
Does medicare puzzle you? Do you worry that you might make the incorrect choice? There are many pitfalls to doing your own Medicare planning. Let Joan Adler guide you through the process. This workshop will guide you through using the Plan Finder to get the best plan for you. We will discuss eligibility for Low-income programs that pay for your Medicare Part B and/or keep your drug costs low. We will discuss High income IRMAA charges that some will pay, and how to prevent some of these charges.
A former physician, Joan has been a Medicare Counselor since retirement 8 years ago. She has been trained and certified through the SHIP program (State Health Insurance assistance Program), formerly named Apprise in PA, now called PA MEDI.This is a virtual session will be hosted on 4/10 at 2pm via Zoom. You will receive a link to attend the session after you register.
Please register here.