Watch Out for This Dude — and Others Like Him

The Ambler Advisory Committee is a dozen or so volunteers from the former Ambler Food Co-op. We are very excited to be a part of Weavers Way and to have a grocery store in Ambler. We don’t want just any store, we want a store that is a part of our community, bringing people together and improving the nutrition of the whole town.
The Ambler store will open in a few months. To prepare, we are cooperating at the Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill stores in order to learn how Weavers Way does everything. We don’t want to copy the existing stores; we do want to translate the Weavers Way approach to resonate with our community. When the Ambler store opens, we intend to have dozens of trained volunteers available to show new shoppers around. We want the whole Ambler community to feel like this is their store, comfortable and familiar.
I have worked in the Mt. Airy deli and in bulk foods. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet staff and customers who are nice and also very interesting people. I was even called on to handle a turmeric emergency. The bin was empty and a shopper needed turmeric. So I did the superhero move and filled the bin with turmeric from a foil bag — my first grocery emergency! I hope they are all that easy.
We’ll be wearing our Ambler Food Co-op T-shirts when we work our shifts at Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. Please stop and say hi.