Cooperator of the Month: Grace Gardner
Joined Weavers Way: Late ‘80s/early ‘90s. She previously was a member of Ecology Co-op in West Philly and Germantown Ecology Co-op.
Lives in: Germantown
Current job: She has been exporting Fair Trade, handmade goods and fabrics out of Guatemala for 40 years, working with women’s co-ops and small cottage industries. Her primary pop-up location is at 18th and Walnut streets Wednesdays through Sundays, but she also sells at street fairs and music festivals. She donates a portion of her profits to Amigos de Santa Cruz, a group that aims to improve the lives of people residing in the seven rural communities of Santa Cruz, Guatemala.
Why she joined: The other co-ops closed. “My principles and my theories of living are co-op based, where you can recycle and buy in bulk and try to make less of a carbon footprint.”
Family facts: She has a son, Jake (27).
Co-op job history: She worked with Susan Stout, then-manager of the Second Floor, to establish a collection of clothing, jewelry and other merchandise at the Co-op, and continued to maintain the inventory for many years. She also pops up her shop across from the Mt. Airy store on Thursdays during the summer when the farmstand is here, and through the fall.
Favorite Co-op products: Anything in bulk. She estimates she does 90 percent of her shopping here.
A little Co-op love: “We’re so fortunate in this area to have Weavers Way. It enables us to have a greater community…and offers us the option to not pollute the world as much through the bulk [products].”
— Karen Plourde