Letter: You’re Invited to Join Up to #resisttrump

The Shuttle welcomes letters of interest to the Weavers Way community. Send to editor@weaversway.coop. The deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Include a name and email address or phone number so we can contact you for verification; no anonymous letters will be published. Letters should be 200 words or less and may be edited. The Shuttle reserves the right to decline to run any letter.
Over 150 residents of Northwest Philadelphia and surrounding suburbs gathered at the Garage at Weavers Way in Mount Airy on Saturday, Jan. 15 — a mere five days before President-Elect Trump’s inauguration. MoveOn.org sponsored over 500 such gatherings across the United States. Although the theme was “#resisttrump,” the gathering proved to be a productive way for enraged citizens to organize and to create action plans around such topics as education, environment, health care, immigration, impeachment/indictment and security/surveillance. IndivisibleGuide.com was also on hand to provide information to those interested.
Brian Rudnick, a Weavers Way Co-op and MoveOn.org member, organized the event and gathered interested co-hosts to help facilitate discussion topics. He says, “MoveOn’s motto is ‘democracy in action’ and that is what this group is all about.”
In addition to those who were in attendance, despite the cold temperatures and other events taking place in the area, other MoveOn members expressed interest about being informed of upcoming meetings, marches, protests and other actions being planned in regard to the upcoming change in administration in Washington.
To join these efforts, please visit “Democratic Action” at groups.yahoo.com/DAction and MoveOn.org.
— Melissa Hall, Event Participant and Co-Host (Environment)