Saving the Planet, One (Very Cold) Day at a Time

I was reminded of Washington’s army in the winter of 1778, many of whom were walking through snow with only rags tied around their feet. OK, it wasn’t quite that bad, but my feet were freezing, as were those of other volunteers from the Weavers Way Environment Committee and GRinCH (Green in Chestnut Hill) who stood in 15-degree weather for nearly two hours on Jan. 8 collecting Christmas trees for mulching. Bartlett’s Tree Experts also generously donated their time and chipper (and knew how to dress).
Our mission was clear: To divert as many trees as possible from the methane-producing landfill. Many Philadelphia residents don’t realize that when they put their trees out on trash day that they are not recycled. We estimate we saved about 100 trees from that fate.
Amy Edelman and Noreen Spota from GRinCH have been recycling Christmas trees for years. This was the first year we partnered with them. The requested $10 donation was shared by GRinCH’s Green Warrior student grant program and the Environment Committee’s community grant program. (Applications for Environment Committee grants are currently being accepted; the deadline is March 8.)
Despite the cruel weather, there were some bright spots. The camaraderie was ebullient. And Amy brought some coffee cake from her Night Kitchen bakery to share with workers and volunteers. Some of the folks who brought trees were inspirational, like the two young guys who dragged theirs all the way from Andorra, a distance of nearly 3 miles. A father and two small children dragged their tree from St. Martins Lane in Chestnut Hill, which couldn’t have been less than a mile! As a treat, the boys then watched their tree go through the chipper to become mulch.
Thank you to all in the community who drove or dragged their Christmas trees to our event and cheered us on. Hopefully, next year, others will join you.