Co-op News
The Co-op gets a grant to help build our new store, the return of our Check It Out! column, and how to deal with common veggie gardening problems.
Chestnut Hill grocery staffer Mel Marmer is also Weavers Way’s chalkboard artist. Check out his work at all the stores. We have some pictures of some examples posted here for posterity.
MAFCA members return to meeting in person, how you can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act, and a rundown on Seed to Supper 2022.
Pics from our 50th anniversary kickoff, final results from our member loan campaign, and an intro to winter seed sowing.
A retrospective on the Co-op’s 25th anniversary cookbook, the tick report for 2023 (so far), and Co-op volunteers help staff school libraries.
Our ribbon cutting in Gtown, this year's Board election results and how two Black housekeepers saved national treasures.
A few of the Co-op's plans for our 50th, a West Philly group looks to introduce cohousing in the city and the challenges with trying to recycle fabric.