Count Your Birds This Month — It’s Easy, and It’s Science!

Feb. 16-19
For info and to sign up: pa.audubon.org/conversation/great-backyard-bird-count-2018
You might not think of yourself as a scientist, but the Audubon Society values your scientific contribution!
The Great Backyard Bird Count relies on crowd-sourced data from thousands of citizen scientists like you each year. In fact, backyard birdwatchers make Pennsylvania among the top states each year, and we believe 2018 won’t be any different.
During President’s Day weekend (Feb. 16-19), Audubon asks that you take note of the birds at your feeder and backyard habitat (you can also visit virtually any location where you might find birds), count them, and submit that information online at www.birdcount.org. Count a particular species you see at one time; this eliminates the possibility of double-counting.
There are 15 to 20 common backyard birds that show up during the winter, so if you’re new to birding, taking part in this count is a great way to get into the hobby.
Audubon Pennsylvania’s website lists the common winter birds, some of which — cardinals and blue jays, for example — you may already know on sight.
Go to pa.audubon.org and click on the Great Backyard Bird Count tab. The page also gives simple step-by-step instructions on how to start the process, and also lists other events taking place around the count.
It’s free, fun, and it really does contribute to science, by providing data that is analyzed by biologists and ornithologists at Audubon and other bird-conservation organizations.
So fill those feeders and fill your heart with the magic of wild birds just outside your window!