Weavers Words


Green all around me
I sit in a bowl of green
Sunlight dappled trees and plants
Soundtrack of the waterfall and bird calls fill my heart
At peace, at home in my backyard.

—Brian McGonigle


This is awful, no?
Retired husband stays home
Now must cope with me.

—Fern Ziegle

Cosmic Joke

We hide behind isolating walls, thinking we’re safe.
We dodge our fears and end up missing our dreams.
A cosmic joke, repeated endlessly if we cower.
Do not wave the white flag of surrender to the enemy inside yourself.
Step courageously from behind your hiding place.
Laugh at your self-sabotage until it surrenders and retreats.
Raise the powerful cone of your healing center and out-trick the trickster.

—Gloria Rohlfs

Feeling Inspired? Here Are Our Guidelines:

  1. Poems must be written by you and can contain no more than eight lines.
  2. The Shuttle editor has the final say as to whether a poem is suitable for publication.
  3. The number of poems in an issue is determined by the amount of space available.
  4. Members and nonmembers are welcome to submit.
  5. Email your submissions to editor@weaversway.coop and put “Poetry submission for Shuttle” in the subject line.
  6. Preference for publishing will be given to those whose work has yet to appear in the paper.

Thanks. We’re looking forward to your creation!