The Return of the Zero-Waste Mt. Airy Village Fair

As the summer days wane and back-to-school season is upon us, it’s time to get excited about Mt. Airy’s favorite fall festival, the Mt. Airy Village Fair.
The Village Fair is day-long celebration of the neighborhood by the neighborhood, with live music on multiple stages, food trucks and dozens of vendors and other groups tabling. The interactive activities for all ages include children’s games, the highly anticipated SLOW ice cream-eating contest, the beloved pet parade and so much more.
This year’s event will be 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday Sept. 17, which happens to be “Citizenship Day,” commemorating the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. In recognition, the theme this year is “HOME,” and we will be celebrating Mt. Airy as a welcoming and diverse sanctuary community.
In addition, just like last year, this year’s fair is aiming for Zero Waste. Two years ago, the fair generated 400 pounds of trash. Last year, thanks to the efforts of the Weavers Way Environment Committee, the Village Fair Planning Committee and Co-op Zero Waste Consultant Alisa Shargorodsky, we metered only 80 pounds of rubbish. This year, we want the goal to literally come true, with zero waste generated.
“I’m bringing my own plate and cup, and a cloth napkin, too,” said Liana Orazi, Weavers Way staff member and Germantown resident. The fair planning team will have plenty of reusable supplies on hand, but encourages everyone attending to tote washable eating equipment of their own.
Liana will also be bringing her rabbit, Daisy, to the annual Pet Parade. (Line up with your pets at 11:15 a.m.) In keeping with this year’s theme of celebrating diverse origins, pet people are encouraged to dress their pet partners in line with their country of origin.
The festivities will take place throughout the Mt. Airy Village, around the intersection of Carpenter Lane and Greene Street. The ever-popular organic pie-eating contest will be at 1:15, the slow ice cream-eating contest at 1:30 p.m. Look for performances from the Humbleman Band, G’vanim, Merge Dance Studio, Jump Jive & Jam and other artists all throughout the day.
For more information and the latest updates to the performer lineup, visit www.mtairyvillage.com/mt-airy-village-fair.
See you at the Village Fair!