Editor’s Note: 'Back to School' Is a Little Different This Year, but We'll Make It Through
I used to love Back to School time — the lists, the gathering of supplies, the relief at having gotten the kids through another summer with only occasional stretches of boredom. School was the glittering prize in the distance, offering a chunk of time during the day to catch up on projects around the house. The sense of freedom and possibility was always fleeting, but from the viewpoint of early August, it looked real good.
Are there lists this year? I’m guessing the expenses are different, and possibly higher. Beyond that, there’s the reality that everybody will be home (still) and trying to carve out spaces for themselves — or not, and stressing over how that will work. As always, those with the means to make alternate arrangements have more options. The rest muddle through, and outside help is spotty and limited.
Much respect, parents, students, caretakers and educators. By your wits — not through leadership at the top — you’ve been able to make it this far. You’ll all make it to the other side of this and have stories to tell — whenever that happens.
Which brings me to Trudi Dixon’s Wellness Team article this month, “Draw From Your Well of Resilience by Reworking Maxims That Hold You Back.” Trudi suggests that the fact that we press on day after day proves that we’re resilient; it’s not a quality that some people are born with and others lack.
Her argument is bolstered by the results of a survey conducted by researchers at Florida State University, published in June, that examined the degree of loneliness participants have felt since stay-at-home orders went into effect. They found that although physically isolated, respondents felt more supported than before COVID, that they have a greater sense that “we’re all in this together,” which reduced potential feelings of loneliness.
I know that in my life, the monthly Zoom calls between members of my college friend group that began in May have been a much-needed, welcome surprise. (I see you, Newman Crew.)
Catch you in the pages next month.