All Hail Judge Jeannine

Photo credit: Robert Stolpe
L-R (including all judges and emcee): Kimberly Garrison, Christina Pirello, Frank Olivieri, Jr., Myq Kaplan, and Jeannine Kienzle
Weavers Way Programs Coordinator Jeannine Kienzle was pressed into service to help judge this year’s Vegan Cheesesteak Party and Cabaret April 14 at the Rotunda in West Philly after one of the judges had to bow out. She and three other celebrity judges sampled and voted on the top three vegan cheesesteaks in the city, and chose Triangle Tavern of South Philly as the winner. She and Vegan Alert! Co-Writer Norman Weiss would like to thank journalist Vance Lehmkuhl for the invite and the local vegan community for their warm welcome and delicious food. They’ll be back next year!