Weavers Words
A Walk Down Main Street
Footfalls, sidewalk cracks, Windows reflect back,
Watch your own walk, hear others talk
Glimpse at the plate of diners on a date
Cross at the light, the path black and white
What’s playing tonight, ‘Riveting, ‘a delight’
Step aside, a stroller goes by: Little rider, eyes to the sky
The passing and the past, not going too fast
Footfall, sidewalk crack, another block before going back.
— Kirstie Jones
Warped Rhymes for Warped Times
When all the news that’s Trumpy is making you more grouchy,
Resist becoming grumpy: just stay rational like Fauci.
And when your kids consume your time and act as if you’re taskless,
Ship them off to Harrisburg where protesters are maskless.
Should your partner irritate and keep tryin’ to nudge-ya,
Find a new one at the Co-op, standing right by the kombucha
In short, stay cool and grounded, and vocalize this line:
“It’s the end of the world as we COVID, and I feel (kinda) fine.”
— Bill Dingfelder
DiSante acrostic
Tails twitch
Sometimes snugly
— Alena DiSante, age 8
Feeling Inspired? Here Are Our Guidelines:
- Poems must be written by you and can contain no more than eight lines.
- The Shuttle editor has the final say as to whether a poem is suitable for publication.
- The number of poems in an issue is determined by the amount of space available.
- Members and nonmembers are welcome to submit.
- Email your submissions to editor@weaversway.coop and put “Poetry submission for Shuttle” in the subject line.
- Preference for publishing will be given to those whose work has yet to appear in the paper.
Thanks. We’re looking forward to your creation!